JobTeaser, a new way to find your path.

+10,000 jobs — from internship to first job

Find your way to a new career


Your journey is unique, just like you. Whether it's to discover a job you would never have thought of, or to find a company in which to thrive, we are here to help you. Our goal? To ensure you find the career that matches your values.

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Entering the job market is sometimes a leap into the unknown. So there’s nothing better than to interact with professionals during our physical and virtual events to broaden your horizons and remove any doubts. Use our practical tips designed with you in mind, and you're ready to get started.

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One small step, then another... and then you're on your way! Here, all internship and job ads are aimed at students and recent graduates. And since there isn’t just one way to find your way, recruiters can also send you relevant ads directly. You have talent: trust yourself.

Guiding students.
Shaping professionals.

In your late teens or early twenties, finding an internship is no easy task. Working closely with schools and universities, JobTeaser streamlines the process by offering tailored opportunities, connecting students with the right companies. Bridging school life and the world of work, JobTeaser equips students and guides them into professional careers.

The company for you is on JobTeaser